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About Pharmacology Department
Whenever there are alterations in normal functions of human body or mind, there are means to keep it back to normal - that we call 'Drug' or 'Medicine'. Pharmacology & Therapeutics deals with every aspects of drug to explore and explain its role in the process of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of a disease. It pursues the basic knowledge in medical science about how drug acts on human body and how body responds after receiving a drug. Pharmacology reveals the source, formulation, dose, mechanism of action, poisoning, clinical uses, side effects, rational use of drugs and prescription writing.
Pharmacology & Therapeutics is incorporated in the course curriculum for 3rd year and 4th year of undergraduate medical students in M.B.B.S. The course content is covered by 100 teaching hours of lecture, 50 teaching hours of tutorial and 30 hours of practical sessions within two years. Total duration of 24 months is divided into three 'Terms' in a structured study plan and evaluation system that requires 60% marks to pass separately in written, viva and practical examinations.It consists of Multiple Choice Question (MCQ), Short Answer Question (SAQ) and Formative Assessment of class attendance (at least 75%) before appearing in Second Professional MBBS Examination under the University of Dhaka..

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